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The seedling grafting robot price in Iran

The seedling grafting robot price in Iran

TIDAPARS seedling grafting robot price is registered in the mechanization system at www.124.ir and has its own code and row. The list of modern greenhouse equipment and agricultural machines is in the mechanization system with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture. For example, the customer can easily access the site to inquire about the price of the grafting robot or any greenhouse equipment can find out about the latest updated price on the site.

grafting robot for purchase:

Since TIDAPARS Industrial Group is the only designer and manufacturer of vegetable grafting machine in Iran, seedling grafting robot price is compared with foreign samples from the very beginning. It should be noted that TIDAPARS grafting robot has unique advantages and options even compared to the latest versions of foreign products.

 Actuator arm and machine pillow for easy operation of the operator
 Very short time to cut graft
 The ability to adjust the cutting angle according to the type of graft
 Easy operator pedal movement for linking
 HMI system to record link operation information in the system
 Focused light option and optimization as much as possible in the cutting operation

How to inquire the grafting robot price:

The customer is always obliged to follow up and communicate with the technical and clerical staff of TIDAPARS Industrial Group to learn about the latest changes and updates of the grafting device. The way to communicate with the TIDAPARS purchasing unit is through the contact numbers of the sales managers of the company: 09103218552-4, the website address www.tidapars.com and the Instagram page @tidapars. The proforma invoice is issued by announcing the customer’s request in the shortest possible time and reaches the customer. For example, the TIDAPARS proforma invoice based on the announcement of the price of the grafting robot includes the unit amount for the purchase of the device, the added value and the total price along with the validity period of the proforma invoice.

Cash purchase and installments of transplanting robot:

In general, the TIDAPARS greenhouse and agricultural devices under the management of Dr. Faegheh osanlou are purchased in cash from the customer. In the last few years, due to the economic situation and the unfavorable conditions of the greenhouse and agricultural equipment buying market, installment buying and selling has become very common among farmers.

The TIDAPARS sales unit has considered a solution for those customers who are applying for installment purchases in order to meet and reduce the tensions of greenhouse owners’ cash purchases.


Agricultural ministry

There is a direct relationship between the private company and Agricultural ministry as well as the agricultural bank to receive agricultural loans. Following the transplant grafting robot price, and facilities will be provided to the greenhouse owners and farmers by the Agricultural ministry and the Agricultural Bank. This facility is granted in such a way that the customer first contacts the sales manager of the target company and requests a pre-invoice. The sales unit issues a Proforma invoice for the desired device and sends it to the customer. To follow up on loans and facilities, the customer refers to Agricultural ministry in his area and follows up.


Buying and selling grafted seedlings:

Today, the production of grafted seedlings is compared to normal seedlings. The progress of production in grafting in the context of the grafting robot price depends on the cost of twice the purchase or cultivation of seeds and rootstock and cuttings, the sensitive and time-consuming choice of grafting base and the necessary equipment for the post-grafting period. At the moment, a limited number of greenhouse owners have produced grafted seedlings and subsequently sold grafted seedlings.

For this purpose, most of the producers have done manual trial and error in the initial stages, and after a certain percentage of confidence in the positive result of the grafting, they take the necessary measures to choose the appropriate base and scion for transplanting, purchase an automatic grafting machine and a suitable place for storage after grafting.

The importance of grafting:

 Reduction of water consumption and the number of irrigation cycles in high-water crops
 Increased resistance to soil diseases including Fusarium.
 Prevention of disease transmission.
 Reducing the consumption of fertilizers and food solutions.
 Reducing the use of chemical poisons.
 Improving quantitative and qualitative characteristics for export of products including watermelon.

Features of the best grafting robot price:

 The grafting operation in vegetable seedlings is done in such a way that the cutting angle of the rootstock and scion is checked in advance and the blades are embedded in that angle.
 Practical grippers for taking root grafts and grafts work in such a way that no damage is done to the soft and crisp texture of grafts and always with any pedal that.

It is performed by the operator, one stage of the link is advanced. With the first pedal, the operator grabs the first gripper of the stock seedling and with the second pedal of the next gripper, the scion seedling, and the next pedal brings both grafts to each other in the cutting center, and the cutting blades do the grafting. Finally, the operator grabs the unitized graft and transfers it to a special tray. With each graft, the blades will be disinfected with a disinfectant selected by the greenhouse expert.

Care after vegetable grafted seedlings:

 The graft healing period room should be close to the transplant site.
 The most critical time for grafted seedling is 48 to 72 hours after grafting operation when vascular cambium will be formed. At this stage, in order not to wither the transplanted seedling, dusting should be done, and within 72 hours, the temperature of 22 to 29 degrees Celsius and relative humidity up to 95% should be provided to the transplanted seedling.
 The ventilation factor is very important and from the fifth day onwards, the humidity of the environment should be reduced to 30-50% and the plant should receive more light.
 In general, temperature fluctuations are dangerous for transplanting, and trying to maintain the temperature of the greenhouse at 22-29 degrees Celsius is successful for transplanting.


Buying, selling and preparing grafted seedlings is very popular among greenhouse owners and producers of nongrafted seedlings. The desire of producers for more profit and greater resistance of products against all kinds of fungal and bacterial diseases, especially in the cucurbitacea family, has doubled their speed and desire. grafting robot price is incomparable both economically and in terms of its performance and efficiency in the production of grafted seedlings compared to human labor and foreign examples of this device. TIDAPARS Industrial Group has always wants to update the theoretical and experimental information of its transplanting robot according to the latest updates and the needs of grafted transplant producers and has been designed and provided to farmers.


 Fatemeh safaei-09103218554

 Dr. Faegheh osanlou: +98 9904823436

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