TIDAPARS Grafting Robot
New grafting machine TIDA400, designed for grafting vegetables with flexible grippers. Grafting Machine is very fast, precise and easy to use. One operator, minimum maintenance costs.
– Designed to allow handy and efficient work, with simple mechanism and easy adjustments.
– Cut unit can work with simple adjustments, different types of plants and root stock.
– Changing the blades to cut the stem are easy. The cutting unit can be configured to cut at different angles.
– Cut units incorporate a disinfection system and configurable either. Blades are automatically disinfected at each cut.
– Accurate design, simple mechanism, insures maximum accuracy and reliability in every grafted plant.
– These grippers are made with a flexible material designed specially to ensure the fixation, without damage to the seedlings.
– Grafting clips are available in different diameters, this machine works with every type of clips.
– Clips are made of flexible material.
– The cut blades of the plant are easy to replace, and the interchangeable head cut allows different cut angles.
Benefits of Grafting:
• Increase productivity
• Water and nutrient uptake
•Grafting effective to overcome abiotic stresses
• Disease resistance against soil borne pathogens
TIDAPARS Grafting Robot